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Dave Sacco will be leading an online talk at the Vancouver Kimberlite Cluster meeting on Sept 30, 2020 at 6 pm PST via Zoom. He will be discussing why your KIM-bearing sediment samples may not be leading you to kimberlite.
Dave Sacco will be leading an online talk at the Vancouver Kimberlite Cluster meeting on Sept 30, 2020 at 6 pm PST via Zoom. He will be discussing why your KIM-bearing sediment samples may not
Palmer, in association with Aurora Geosciences, was retained by the Governments of Yukon and the Northwest Territories (NWT) to map and characterize potential aquifers within the portions of the Liard River Basin in Yukon and the NWT. Despite key gaps in surficial and subsurface data throughout the region, the desktop-based study highlighted the occurrence of vulnerable surficial (unconfined) aquifers around several northern communities. Palmer’s preliminary water budget analysis determined that most groundwater recharge occurs in the southern half of the study area where permeable materials are more widespread, slopes are gentler, and permafrost is less extensive. The coincidence of the territorial border with a watershed divide minimizes the amount of direct transboundary groundwater flow.
Palmer, in association with Aurora Geosciences, was retained by the Governments of Yukon and the Northwest Territories (NWT) to map and characterize potential aquifers within the portions of th
This work examined how forest harvesting has impacted warm-season low flows in the Pacific Northwest. In general, an initial increase in low flows was followed by a longer-term decline that lasted for decades in some watersheds. This trend has important implications for environmental flow needs, water allocation decisions, and managing fisheries. Common approaches that are used to model hydrological recovery are also inconsistent with the post-harvest response of low flows.
This work examined how forest harvesting has impacted warm-season low flows in the Pacific Northwest. In general, an initial increase in low flows was followed by a longer-term decline that las
Robin McKillop is participating in the Working Group that will develop technical content for the National Standard of Canada on a Risk-based Approach for Community Planning in Northern Regions. The Northern Infrastructure Standardization Initiative is working to help Canada’s Northern regions build resilient infrastructure to withstand and adapt to the changing climate.
Robin McKillop is participating in the Working Group that will develop technical content for the National Standard of Canada on a Risk-based Approach for Community Planning in Northern Regions.
Dave Sacco will be presenting two posters at this conference. The first will be covering real-time detection of bedrock mineralization and geological faults using on-site soil gas CO2 and O2 analysis. The second poster will focus on Mineral exploration in Central BC's thick surficial deposits: Surficial mapping to inform surface sediment data compilation and till sample reanalysis and collection in the CICGR Project area. You can find Dave at the Geoscience BC booth on Wednesday, Jan. 22nd to discuss these topics.
Dave Sacco will be presenting two posters at this conference. The first will be covering real-time detection of bedrock mineralization and geological faults using on-site soil gas CO2 and
Palmer is excited to be a part of such an exciting project focused on making sure that the GTA has the water management infrastructure necessary to combat storm caused overflows draining contaminated water into local waterways.
Palmer is excited to be a part of such an exciting project focused on making sure that the GTA has the water management infrastructure necessary to combat storm caused overflows draining contam
On February 6, 2018, amendents were introduced by Fisheries and Oceans Canada to combat changes made in 2012, to ensure long term sustainability of marine resources and increase the scope of regulated protections. Of the proposed changes, increased clarity regarding permitting development in aquatic environments has taken a major step forward.
On February 6, 2018, amendents were introduced by Fisheries and Oceans Canada to combat changes made in 2012, to ensure long term sustainability of marine resources and increase the scope of regulated
Join Palmer's very own Dave Sacco on a day long field trip in the Slave Geological Province outside of Yellow Knife, NWT, on August 22nd, 2021. The field trip will encompass several site visits in the Slave Geological Province to showcase how glacial, deglacial, and post-glacial processes can inform the collection and interpretation of surface sediment samples for kimberlite exploration.
Follow the link below for more information.
Join Palmer's very own Dave Sacco on a day long field trip in the Slave Geological Province outside of Yellow Knife, NWT, on August 22nd, 2021. The field trip will encompass several site visits in the