Resort Municipality of Whistler
Biodiversity and Conservation Project

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Palmer carried out ecosystem monitoring describing biodiversity within the urban area of world-class Whistler Resort, BC.

Project Sector
Project Services
  • Fish & Aquatic Resources

Project Description

Palmer was retained by the Resort Municipality of Whistler to describe and help conserve biodiversity within the urban development footprint of Whistler. In an ongoing effort, we have been monitoring the health of ecosystems in the area through a number of ecological indicators to help guide the conservation of species and ecosystems. This monitoring will inform sustainable land use planning and further development in Whistler.

Over time, we were able to identify changes that indicate a loss, or possible loss, of biodiversity. The program used an adaptive management approach in which annual results and long-term trends informed future monitoring. Our team documented positive trends in the data sets, indicating healthy ecosystems despite continued development in the area.

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  • Infrastructure

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  • Infrastructure
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